Free Apps That Simplify Difficult Concepts

by Trevor Rocious

Between the Apple App Store and the Google Play store, there are millions of apps available for smartphone users around the world. The most popular of these apps are social; WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook are the world's most-used apps.

Then come entertainment apps, like Netflix and YouTube video streaming and PUBG mobile gaming. Clearly, there's an emphasis on communication and amusement. Meanwhile, the most popular free apps are more diverse, including ESPN sports, emergency dispatchers, social games like Finger on the App 2, and Gmail.

That diversity stems from the range of free apps available. Today, a total of 1.9 million apps (92% of the total apps available) are listed for free in the Apple App store, according to Statista. Though many use microtransactions to turn a small profit, there are thousands of quality apps with no in-app purchases that can help users tackle something new-no matter how complicated.

Let's take a look at free apps that can simplify complex concepts and turn them into something fun and unforgettable.

Learning Poker Strategy

Learning Poker Strategy
Learning Poker Strategy

In the early days of poker's rising popularity, books like SuperSystem by Doyle Brunson were the primary way that newcomers could learn the ropes with expert insight. Today, books remain popular, but poker training apps have also gained steam amongst players.

Historically, players have had to learn the hard way, tallying experience before heading home to reread a chapter. Today, players can keep the fundamentals in their pocket, available during a break between hands or while gaming online.

Apps like DTO will let established players dive into more challenging situations, where they'll need to make lean decisions. Other apps, like SnapShove and Upswing Poker, connect users to pros with their own popular platforms. Pro Doug Polk helms Upswing, while Max Silver heads SnapShove.

Those totally unfamiliar with the game can start out with free apps like Poker Copilot and PokerGuide HD.

Identifying Astronomical Systems

Identifying Astronomical Systems
Identifying Astronomical Systems

Back in 2011, the Apple Store released an app called Night Sky. The point-and-see app helped usher in a new era of augmented reality (back when few knew they were even using the technology). For astronomy enthusiasts, Night Sky changed how they interacted with the constellations.

Today, there are dozens of apps that reveal the hidden star systems in the sky above. However, there are only three that offer a free seamless, accurate, and unique experience. Google Sky relies on data from the Hubble Space Telescope to offer more information and details than competitor apps.

Star Tracker is another great option. The app can identify a total of 88 constellations (zodiacs included) and other deep-sky objects-all a user has to do is point to the sky and launch the app. This platform is user-friendly, offering information on stars and constellations as they're identified above.

Lastly, the International Space Station app allows users to enter their location, then tells them when they'll be able to see the ISS float over their skies that night. It's not quite star-gazing, but it's still worth a gander.

Practicing a Foreign Language

For most, learning a foreign language comes down to exposure and education. But for those stuck in their native country, without the time or funds to opt for pricey tutoring, browser and mobile apps often do the heavy lifting.

One of the most robust free apps for language enthusiasts is DuoLingo. The app offers 19 languages to its 120 million users around the world. The app even includes Klingon, a fictional language from the Star Trek universe.

Other options for linguists include Memrise and Babbel. Memrise takes advantage of repetition flashcards in order to educate newcomers, while also offering user-generated content. This makes for a unique learning experience as users choose between 16 different languages.

Babbel is one of the oldest language learning platforms in the game. Keep in mind that the app isn't totally free; some courses have payment portals for advanced lessons. However, Babbel is known for its course content and has received multiple awards for its platform.

About Trevor Rocious

Trevor Rocious is a prominent science blogger known for his engaging and informative content in the field of scientific exploration and discovery. With a passion for unraveling the mysteries of the universe, Trevor has captivated a wide audience with his ability to communicate complex scientific concepts in a relatable and accessible manner.

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